Monday August 14, 1922

Our mealtimes now conform to tropical custom: we have breakfast at 7 AM, chop (lunch) at 12 noon, then rest till 2pm when we have tea, ending with the evening chop at 7 PM. We retire much earlier than at home.

Most of the day was spent on necessary attention to the arranging of our baggage however in the evening we got in some tennis at the Hardcourts of the mission.

It is possible to discard ones helmet here by 4.30; getting nearly 2 hours of tennis between then and dark. Very enjoyable it is to feel a racket once again.

It is with feelings of perspiration that one watches the native boys playing football in the middle of the day, even in the hot sun but their skin awards them practically a complete protection against the sun by reason of the black pigment it contains.

I saw a native the other day; on his forehead was a patch of skin when no colour had developed leaving it just as pink as ours. An Albino is a person who has no pigment anywhere not even in the eye.


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